Tuesday, 12 July 2011

1 Voice

rage of fury on each other's face as i see, fear me not,coz i 'm in the mode...the future of our land ,what would be to looks like,i keep closing my eyes,coz i dun wan my eye to watch it fall. It was coward act, like i run away from the situation..after 709,$$ nt really shown much power, but the unity is the ultimate strength to innovation”

“The road to achieve OUR CLEAN GOALS is long and hard.
The road to uphold and maintain OUR CLEAN GOALS is even longer and harder.
Others has been laying obstacles along the way
Their obstacles will make our path much stronger, anyway.

“this is a battle for our future generation..”


在整个集会当中让我印象最深刻的一幕,当天我们一群人从同善医院后面的篱笆逃离警察的追捕时,马来人用脚踢开了那个篱笆然后说bagi cina semua keluar dulu.......(给这里的华人离开先,然后我们才走。)这句话一下就进入我的心中了,其实在这里我才能真真的体验一个马来西亚的文化种族之间无分彼此互相照顾。而不是国阵所提倡的一个土族;一个马来西亚

“kita mahu tunjuk perasaan ,bukan kemarahan”

“Pengundi senyap telah bersuara..........Hidup bersih !!!!!!!”

“Berani Bersih kerana Benar”

Vote for your future! Show your support and comments through online media are not enough indeed. To those who haven’t register, please bring your IC to post office to register as voter TODAY before it's too late. Tell friends & family to do so too. The process takes 4 months.. please act now..


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